Học giờ Anh đối với trẻ sẽ không còn là áp lực nặng nề nếu như ba mẹ tìm được phương án thích hợp và thú vị dành cho bé. đông đảo quyển truyện tiếng Anh cho bé 3 tuổi không hồ hết giúp nhỏ xíu tiếp xúc với tiếng Anh trường đoản cú sớm mà còn đem về cho nhỏ bé rất những kiến thức hữu dụng trong cuộc sống.

Bạn đang xem: Truyện tranh tiếng anh cho bé


Mục lục

1. Tác dụng của việc cho trẻ làm cho quen giờ Anh tự sớm2. Biện pháp cho bé nhỏ 3 tuổi hấp thụ tiếng Anh từ hầu như quyển truyện giờ đồng hồ Anh thú vị3. Phần đông quyển truyện giờ Anh cho bé bỏng 3 tuổi được thương yêu nhất

1. Tiện ích của bài toán cho trẻ làm cho quen giờ đồng hồ Anh trường đoản cú sớm

1.1. Tạo gốc rễ cho việc học giờ đồng hồ Anh vào tương lai

Tiếp xúc và làm cho quen với giờ đồng hồ Anh từ nhỏ dại sẽ mang đến cho bé bỏng cảm giác dễ chịu và thoải mái hơn khi tham gia học tiếng Anh sau này. Đối với bé bỏng 3 tuổi sẽ khá khó để nhỏ nhắn vừa nghe truyện vừa học. Mỗi tối ba mẹ có thể đọc chuyện tranh tiếng Anh cho bé 3 tuổi hoặc mở truyện dạng audio cho nhỏ bé nghe, vừa chỉ vào hình hình ảnh vừa phân tích và lý giải cho bé bỏng hiểu. Hãy cho bé xíu nghe và học phần đa đặn, sau một thời gian bé nhỏ sẽ dần dần tiếp thu và làm quen với giờ Anh một phương pháp hiệu quả.

1.2. Trẻ logic hơn

Trẻ học ngoại ngữ từ sớm sẽ phát triển trí xuất sắc vượt bậc, sau này nhỏ nhắn sẽ linh động trong xử lý sự việc do đều tình huống rất gần gũi đã học trước đó. Không dừng lại ở đó nữa, khả năng tập trung của bé nhỏ sẽ được nâng cấp hơn với vốn loài kiến thức cũng giống như kỹ năng cảm hứng được tăng cường.

1.3. Rèn luyện sự phản xạ tiếng Anh

Bố mẹ có thể dễ dàng tạo cho con một môi trường thiên nhiên học giờ Anh tại nhà ngay tự nhỏ bằng cách dùng tiếng Anh tiếp tục giữa các thành viên trong mái ấm gia đình với nhau và trải qua Internet. Sử dụng truyện cũng tương tự nhạc luôn luôn là phương thức tiếp cận rất tốt với trẻ con nhỏ. Dần dần dần nhỏ nhắn sẽ biết bắt trước và học tập được những phương pháp trả lời, tiếp xúc tiếng Anh sáng tỏ hơn.


2. Cách cho bé bỏng 3 tuổi tiếp thụ tiếng Anh từ phần đa quyển truyện tiếng Anh thú vị

2.1. Hiện ra thói quen rèn luyện cho bé

2.2. Tránh việc để bé tự kiếm tìm tòi một mình

2.3. Phân tích và lý giải câu chuyện cụ thể cho bé xíu hiểu

2.4. Đừng cụ ép bé nhỏ biết quá nhiều

2.5. Ôn lại truyện đã học

3. đều quyển truyện tiếng Anh cho bé 3 tuổi được yêu mến nhất

Tham khảo thêm 20 truyện giờ Anh giành cho thiếu nhi.

3.1. Birds and 0a Baby

The baby was lying on her back. A blue bird flew in through the window. The blue bird had xanh eyes. It sat on the baby’s crib. The bird had a bell around its neck. The bell rang. The baby smiled. The baby reached for the bell. The bird shook its head. The bell fell off the bird’s neck. It fell next to lớn the baby. The baby picked up the bell. The baby rang the bell. Another xanh bird flew in through the window. This blue bird also had xanh eyes. The baby had brown eyes. The birds looked at the baby. The baby looked at the birds. The baby rang the bell again. Both birds flew away. The baby started to cry. His mama came into the room. The baby smiled. Mama saw the bell. She asked the baby where the bell came from. The baby pointed at the window.

3.2. A Cat & a Dog

The black cat jumped up onto the chair. It looked down at the trắng dog. The dog was chewing on a bone. The mèo jumped onto the dog. The dog kept chewing the bone. The cat played with the dog’s tail. The dog kept chewing the bone. The cat jumped back onto the chair. It started licking its paws. The dog stood up. It looked at the cat. It licked the cat’s fur. The cat licked the dog’s nose. The dog went back khổng lồ its bone. A boy ran through the room. He was wearing a yellow shirt. He almost ran into the chair. The cát jumped off the chair. The mèo jumped onto the sofa. The chair fell onto the floor next to lớn the dog. The dog stopped chewing the bone. The dog chased the boy. The boy ran out khổng lồ the street. He threw a stick. The dog chased the stick. The dog lay down. It chewed on the stick.

Truyện tiếng anh cho nhỏ bé 2 tuổi đơn giản – A dog & a cat

3.3. The Baby Bear

The baby bear followed his mama. Mama bear walked through the woods. She was looking for berries to eat. She found some đen berries. She started eating them. The baby started eating them, too. They ate all the berries. Baby bear was full. Mama bear was still hungry. She started walking again. She wanted lớn find more berries to lớn eat. Baby bear lay down. He was full. He wanted lớn take a nap. But mama bear came back. She growled at baby bear. He understood mama’s growl. When mama growled, he obeyed. He got up & followed his mama. Someday he would take a nap after a meal. A squirrel ran up a tree with a nut. It dropped the nut & ran back down khổng lồ the ground. It picked up the nut và looked at baby bear. Then it ran back up the tree. Baby bear did not lượt thích nuts. They were too hard to open.

3.4. Doing as Mum Told

Tom was seven years old, & he was going to school soon. He was a good boy, but he didn’t lượt thích to get up early. He slept until nine or ten o’clock in the morning.

His mother didn’t want Tom to lớn be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said lớn Tom, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” After that, Tom got up when he heard the clock ring at six thirty every morning.

One day, the clock didn’t work. Tom didn’t get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast and she went to lớn wake him up. Tom said lớn his mother, “I woke up very early.” “Then why didn’t you get up?” Mother was angry. “You told me that I must get up when I heard the clock ring. So I’m still waiting for the bell.

3.5. Late for Work

I got trang chủ at six in the evening, “Are you tired, Ted?” my wife asked. “No,” I answered, “but I’m hungry.” “Dinner will be ready in haự an hour.” she said. “Did you catch your train this morning?” she asked again. “No, I didn’t. I ran all the way to the station & got there at four minutes past nine.” “Which train did you catch?” she asked. ‘The nine fifteen.” “What time did you get to the office?” “At ten o’clock.” “At ten o’clock?” my wife shouted, “Wasn’t the boss angry?” “No, he wasn’t at the office.” I said, “He got there at ten thirty. He didn’t catch the train, either.”

3.6. Boys or Girls

A lot of boys & girls in western countries are wearing the same kind of clothes, & many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult khổng lồ tell whether they are boys or girls.

One day an old man went for a walk in a park. When he was tired, he sat on a chair near the river. A child was standing on the other side of the river. “Oh!” The old man said to the person next khổng lồ him on the chair, “Do you see that child with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”. “A girl,” said the person, “she is my daughter.” “Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t know that you were her mother.” “I am not her mother,” said the person, “I am her father.”

3.7. Honest

One afternoon, I went lớn a cửa hàng to buy some ink. There was only one young siêu thị assistant in it. He was reading a book. “I want to buy a bottle of ink,” I said. There was no answer. He was still going on reading his book. Then I asked again. He stood up and gave me a bottle of ink. When I was out of the shop, I found the change he gave me was too much. So I went back to lớn the shop. The man pulled a long face when he saw me again.

“Now, what bởi vì you want to lớn buy?” he said angrily. “Nothing,” I said, “you gave me too much change just now. I want to lớn give you back the money.” “Ah, ah, thank you,” the man said with a red-face.

3.8. Is It Time for Supper?

Last week I went out lớn have lunch with my friend, George. George is very fat. He likes good food & eats a lot of it. We sat at a big table in the restaurant. After a big meal we had some cakes & drank a few cups of coffee. “We must go now, George.” I said. “We have been here for more than three hours. It’s four thirty.”

“What do you mean?” I asked George in surprise, “We can’t leave now. It’s nearly time for supper.”

3.9. A Nice Young Man

An old lady opens her window and Iooks out of it. The sun shines brightly. There is a young man in the garden in front of her house. The old lady looks at him và says, “He is cutting grass for me!”

She goes out into the garden và says to lớn the young man, “Why are you cutting grass for me, young man?”

The young man says, “Today’s my holiday. You ’re old và live alone. I want to bởi something for you.”

“It’s so kind of you, my boy,” says the old lady. “Come into my house & have a cup of tea.”

“OK ” answers the young man, “but I must finish the work first.” When the old lady goes out into the garden an hour later, the young man is not there. The garden looks clean & tidy.

“What a nice young man!” says the old lady.

3.10. Who’s Broken a Window?

Billy và Bobby were small boys. They were brothers, and they often fight with each other. Last Saturday their mother said to lớn them, ‘I’m going lớn cook our lunch now. Go out and play in the garden… & be good.”

“Yes, Mummy,” the two boys answered & they went out. They played for half an hour, & then Billy ran into the kitchen. “Mummy,” he said, “Bobby’s broken a window in Mrs Allen’s house.” Mrs Allen was one of their neighbors.

“He’s a bad boy,” his mother said, “How did he break it?”

“I threw a stone at him,” Billy answered, “and he quickly moved down!

3.11. A Balloon on the Tail

Today is New Year’s Day. In the morning, Kerry, a little mouse & her mother are going to grandmother’s. She is very happy because she is wearing nice clothes. “Good morning, Kerry,” a little rabbit sees them, “you look pretty today.” ‘Thank you.” “But, look at your beautiful tail.” says the rabbit, ‘’It is touching the ground.” “Oh, my god.” says Kerry and she carries her long tail with hands. Then there comes a dog with a big balloon. “Why vì chưng you carry your tail, Kerry?” asks the dog. “Because it touches the ground. It will be dirty.” “Oh, don’t worry. I can help you.” Then the dog ties a big balloon on Keny’s tail. “That’s OK.” says the dog, “Your tail won’t cảm ứng the ground again.”

3.12. An hãng apple Pie

The tree was full of red apples. The farmer was riding his brown horse. He stopped under the tree. He reached out & picked an táo off a branch. He bit into the raw apple. He enjoyed the apple. His horse turned its head lớn look at him. The farmer picked another táo khuyết off the tree. He gave it khổng lồ the horse. The horse ate the raw apple. The horse enjoyed the apple. The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag. He rode the horse back home. He put the horse in the barn. He walked into his house. The mèo rubbed up against his leg. He gave the mèo a bowl of warm milk. He sat down on the sofa. He opened a book lớn read. His wife came home. She cooked the raw apples. She made an hãng apple pie. They ate bread and hot soup for dinner. They enjoyed the bread và soup. They had hot táo khuyết pie for dessert. They both enjoyed the táo bị cắn pie.

3.13. The top Bunk

He và his brother slept in a bunk bed. He had the bottom bunk. His brother had the vị trí cao nhất bunk. The đứng đầu bunk had a guard rail. The rail kept the sleeper safe. His brother didn’t lượt thích the rail. He always left it down. One time his brother fell out of the vị trí cao nhất bunk. He hit the carpet và woke up. He said, “Ouch!” Then he climbed back into the đứng đầu bunk. When he woke up the next day, his back was sore. Mom took him khổng lồ see the doctor. The doctor examined him. The doctor said he was okay. He said lớn keep the guard rail up. His brother said he would vì that. That night his brother climbed into the đứng đầu bunk again. He left the guard rail down. He said the guard rail was lượt thích jail. He didn’t want to feel lượt thích he was in jail. He fell asleep. Then he fell out of the đứng top bunk again.

3.14. Ask Santa

It is December. That means it is Christmas time. Christmas time means Santa Claus is coming. Sara & Billy love Christmas. They love Santa Claus. They love the gifts from Santa. Last year they got nice gifts. Sara got a teddy bear & a rubber duck. Billy got a green boat & a rubber duck. The rubber ducks float. When Sara takes a bath, her pink duck floats in the water. When Billy takes a bath, his blue duck floats in the water. One time Billy put a goldfish into the tub. It swam for a while. Then it died. He buried it in the backyard. He was sad. This year Sara and Billy want bicycles. Sara wants a red bike. Billy wants a xanh bike. Mama said she would talk to lớn daddy. Sara asked mama, “Why don’t you talk to Santa?” Mama said, “That’s a good idea. When daddy comes home, he and I will talk khổng lồ Santa.”

3.15. A Birthday Bike

January 7 is Benny’s birthday. He will be eight years old. He is in the third grade. He goes lớn Park Elementary School. An elementary school is for kids. It is only one mile away. He walks lớn school. It only takes đôi mươi minutes. When it rains, he wears a raincoat. He used to take an umbrella. But he lost the umbrella. His mother gave him another umbrella. He broke that one. His mom said, “You và umbrellas don’t get along.” For his eighth birthday, Benny wants a bicycle. He can ride the bike to school. After school he can ride with his friends. He can ride the bike to the swimming pool. He can ride the xe đạp to the library. His mom & dad took him to the xe đạp store. They asked him to lớn look at the bikes. He looked at all the bikes. He chose a red bike. He showed his parents. Dad said it cost too much. He told Benny to lớn choose another bike. Benny chose a blue bike. Dad said the blue bike was the right price.

3.16. In the Garden

Mama was in the garden. “What are you doing?” Johnny asked. She said she was planting roses. Roses are flowers. They are very pretty. They are usually red. Roses have thorns. His mama said, “Thorns will stick you. Be careful around thorns.” Johnny went to the front yard. His dog Rex was waiting for him. Johnny picked up a stick and threw it. Rex chased the stick. He brought the stick back. Johnny ran around the house. Rex chased him. Johnny ran through the garden. Rex ran through the garden. Mom yelled at Johnny & Rex. She told them khổng lồ play somewhere else. She told them to lớn stay out of the garden. Johnny apologized to his mom. He went to the garage và got his bike. He went for a bike ride. Rex ran next khổng lồ the bike.

3.17. Today’s Mail

The mailman put the mail in the mailbox. Dad went outside. He said hello to the mailman. The mailman said hello. Dad opened the mailbox and took out a magazine và two letters. One letter was from his sister. The other letter was from his brother. The magazine was for his wife. It was a garden magazine. His wife liked to lớn work in the garden. She grew flowers and vegetables in the garden. Dad went back into the house. He opened both letters. His sister invited him to a birthday party. His brother invited him lớn a wedding. Dad enjoyed reading the letters. He enjoyed getting the invitations. He picked up the phone. He left a message for his sister. He would come to the birthday party. He also called his brother. He said he would come lớn the wedding.

3.18. Boys Will Be Boys

The two brothers loved each other. But sometimes they argued with each other. Sometimes they yelled at each other. Sometimes they pushed each other. Sometimes they hit each other. Sometimes they got into a fight with each other. Bobby was the older brother. Billy was the younger brother. Bobby was older than Billy. Billy was younger than Bobby. Bobby climbed into a tree. His kite was in the tree. He could not reach his kite. He fell out of the tree. Billy laughed. He laughed when he saw Bobby fall to lớn the ground. Bobby was not hurt. But he was angry. “Why are you laughing?” he asked Billy. “That was funny!” Billy said. Bobby said it wasn’t funny. Billy said it was funny. Bobby pushed Billy. Billy pushed Bobby. Bobby punched Billy in the stomach. Billy punched Bobby in the stomach. They put their arms around each other. They wrestled on the ground. They rolled around and around. Their mom came outside. “What are you two doing?” she asked. She separated them. She said, “You shouldn’t hit each other. That’s not nice. Wait till your father gets home.” She sent them to their rooms.

3.19. A Good Meal

The children were hungry. They looked out the window. Where was their mother? She walked into the house. The children ran over lớn her. “Mama, we’re so hungry,” they both said. She said lunch was coming. She walked into the kitchen. She opened a can of chicken soup. She poured the soup into a pot. She added water. She put the pot on the stove. She made two peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. She sliced an apple. The soup was hot. She poured it into two bowls. She put the sandwiches on two plates. She put táo apple slices on each plate. She put the bowls & plates on the table. The children ran to lớn the table. “Thank you, mommy!” they said. Then they started eating. The cat & the dog watched them eat.

3.20. No Food, No Job

I am an adult. I’m not a kid. I’m a grown-up. I need some money. I have no food. I am hungry. I am not thirsty, because water is everywhere. But water has no taste. I want lớn drink a soda. I want to lớn drink milk. I want lớn drink coffee. I want to work. Nobody will hire me. Nobody is hiring anybody. Companies are firing people. Companies are laying off people. Everyone is looking for a job. I cannot pay my rent. I will have khổng lồ live in my car. I don’t want to lớn live in my car. My car has no bed. Everyone should live in a house or an apartment. Many people don’t have a car. They live on the street. A street has no bed. Nobody should live on the street. I don’t know what khổng lồ do. I don’t know where to go. Maybe I will go khổng lồ church. Maybe I will find help there.

3.21. New Shoes

She is young. Her shoes are old. She wears them to lớn work. She goes to work five days a week. She loves her work. She is a waitress. She works at a restaurant. The restaurant is near her home. She walks to the restaurant. She stands up all day long. She is young và strong. But her shoes are not. They are old. She saw an ad in the paper. All shoes were on sale at the shoe store. She walked into the store. She looked around. She saw some đen shoes. They looked good. She tried them on. They were very comfortable. They felt good. They were only $25. She paid cash. She wore them home. She felt good. She was ready for work the next day.

3.22. No Friends for Me

I am lonely. I am always by myself. I meet people every day. I smile at them. I say hello. I am nice to lớn them. I want khổng lồ have a friend. But I have no friends. What is wrong with me? I am polite. I am friendly. I am nice. I am kind. Why don’t people like me? All I want is one friend. Everyone has one friend. I always see people with their friends. They laugh with each other. They have fun with each other. They do things with each other. What about me? I am by myself. I watch TV by myself. I go khổng lồ movies by myself. I go to restaurants by myself. I go khổng lồ the park by myself. I told my mother that I am lonely. She said it is my fault. “Why?” I asked. She said, “Because you never ask anyone khổng lồ be with you.” My mom is right. I never ask people khổng lồ be with me. I am afraid they will say no.

3.23. Grimm Jacob với Wilhelm Grimm

Grimm Jacob với Wilhelm là 2 bạn bè người Đức cùng đồng thời là tác giả của quyển truyện “Truyện cầm nhà Grimm”. Quyển truyện có hơn 200 truyện cổ tích lựa chọn lọc, trong số đó có những cái tên bom tấn như: Cô nhỏ xíu lọ lem, cô bé bạch tuyết và bảy chú lùn, cô bé xíu quàng khăn đỏ, Công chúa ngủ vào rừng, Bảy con quạ, Ông lão tấn công cá cùng bà vợ, nhỏ ngỗng vàng, Hansel và Gretel….

3.24. Alice in Wonderland – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Tác giả bạn Anh có tên Charles Lutwidge Dodgson đã viết quyển truyện “Alice in Wonderland” nhắc về cuộc khám phá của cô bé Alice chui qua một cái hang cùng lạc vào xứ sở thần tiên đựng đầy phần đa điều kỳ lạ với lý thú.

3.25. Winnie-the-Pooh – A.A.Milne

Nhân vật chủ yếu trong truyện “Winnie-the-Pooh” là chú gấu Pooh và những người dân bạn như Tigger, Piglet, v.v. Những bạn nhỏ sẽ được khơi gợi trí tưởng tượng lúc hòa vào thế giới phiêu giữ đầy lôi cuốn cùng những bài xích học mang tính chất giáo dục với nhân văn xuất sắc đẹp. Bên cạnh thể loại truyện chữ, “Winnie-the-Pooh” còn tồn tại phiên bạn dạng truyện tranh giờ đồng hồ anh cho bé bỏng 3 tuổi đáng để tía mẹ suy xét mua sách cho bé.

Còn rất nhiều mẩu truyện giờ đồng hồ Anh cho bé xíu 3 tuổi hay và thú vị nữa đang chờ các bé bỏng khám phá ngơi nghỉ phía sau, ba chị em và các bé xíu tham khảo nhé.

Xem thêm: Tổng Hợp Những Thức Ăn Kị Nhau Khi Dùng Chung, Những Thức Ăn Kỵ Nhau

3.26. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl

3.27. The Bundle of Sticks

3.28. The Rabbit và The Tortoise

3.29. The Ugly Duckling

3.30. Winnie-the-Pooh – A.A.Milne

Truyện tranh giờ anh cho nhỏ nhắn 4 tuổi về chú gấu Winnie the Pooh

3.31. Harry Potter – J.K. Rowling

Bộ truyện giờ Anh nổi tiếng dành cho thiếu nhi Harry Potter

3.32. The Fox and the Crow

3.33. Friendship

3.34. The Farmer và the Turnip

3.35. The Big Tummy Bunny

3.36. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

3.37. The Little Mermaid

Truyện tranh tiếng anh phái nữ tiên cá nổi lên tiếng

3.38. Cinderella

3.39. Doraemon

Truyện Doraemon lừng danh không thể thiếu

3.40. The Naughty Sheep

3.41. The New Pony

3.42. Woolly Stops the Train

3.43. The Grumpy Goat

3.44. Market Day

3.45. Pig Gets Lost

3.46. Surprise Visitors

3.47. Barn on Fire

3.48. The Snow Storm

3.49. Camping Out

3.50. The Happy Family & The Unhappy Family


Hãy tạo cho con môi trường thiên nhiên học tiếng Anh tuyệt đối hoàn hảo tại nhà, ba mẹ không chỉ rất có thể cùng bé học tiếng Anh mà còn làm gắn kết những thành viên gia đình lại cùng với nhau. Dường như NEC Edu còn những tựa sách giờ đồng hồ Anh em nhỏ phổ biến đem đến nhiều con kiến thức có ích cho bé. Với cũng nhớ là xem qua những khóa huấn luyện và đào tạo tiếng Anh hoàn hảo đến từ NEC Edu đang chờ đợi các bé xíu nhé.