How to get from Ninch Binc to lớn Hoi An?

When travelling the 700km distance from Ninc Binc to Hoi An, you have sầu 3 options: you can take the train (15 hours), a flight (6 hours), or the bus (13.5 hours). Fares range between $17 & $30.50.

Bạn đang xem: Transfer from hoi an to ninh binh bus (sleeper bus) top 1

The closest railway station from Hoi An is Da Nang. We recommend taking the evening train from Ninh Binh which arrives in the morning in Da Nang. From Da Nang railway station, you can continue by public bus khổng lồ Hoi An center.

3 ways lớn get from Ninch Binh lớn Hoi An

Transport modeDurationCostsAvailability
Train15 hours615,000 VND ($26.50)Check train tickets
Flight6 hours710,000 VND ($30.50)Cheông chồng flights
Bus13.5 hours395,000 VND ($17)Chechồng bus tickets

It will be a long journey, but at least you can have sầu a good sleep. And when you are not tired, you’ll finally have sầu time to update your travel book or go through the pictures from your trip.

If you don’t want to travel for such a long time, then you can also book a flight from Hanoi to lớn Da Nang. Ninc Binch does not have sầu an airport, so you have sầu lớn travel to lớn Hanoi first. Although the costs can be as low as taking the train, travelling by flight will involve a lot of transfers.

The advantage of the bus is that it brings you directly from Ninh Binch lớn Hoi An. The disadvantage is that travelling by bus in Vietnam is less safe. It will also save sầu you some money, but keep in mind that the sleeper trains offer much more comfort.

Itinerary from Ninh Binh lớn Hoi An

TrainNinc Binh14.5 hoursDaNang45minHoi An
Cheông xã Tickets


Ninch Binch lớn Hoi An by Train

Duration: 15 hours Cost: 615,000 VND ($26.50)

When you want lớn travel from Ninch Binc to lớn Hoi Anby train, you have khổng lồ book a train to lớn Da Nang railway station. From Da Nang railway station to Hoi An center takes 45 minutes.

Step 1: Ninch Binc to Da Nang by Train

Duration: 14h 13m Cost: 595,000 VND ($25.50)

We recommkết thúc to take one of the night trains below:

TrainScheduleDurationSleeper berth
SE916:59-07:3714h 38m750,000 VND ($32.50)
SE321:42-11:0313h 21m830,000 VND ($36)
SE1922:12-12:2514h 13m595,000 VND ($25.50)

Check Available Train Tickets

Step 2: Da Nang Railway Station khổng lồ Hoi An by Bus

Duration: 45min Cost: đôi mươi,000 VND ($1)

From Da Nang railway station khổng lồ Hoi An center takes 45 minutes by public bus. An alternative sầu is to lớn book a shuttle bus, which brings you closer to lớn Hoi An center.

See the page about Da Nang railway station for the bus schedule and more details.


Ninc Binch lớn Hoi An by Flight

Duration: 6 hours Cost: 710,000 VND ($30.50)

When you want lớn fly to Hoi An, you first have to lớn travel from Ninch Binch to lớn Hanoi. And then from Hanoi đô thị center to the airport.

From Hanoi Airport, there are several flights leaving for Da Nang every day. Tickets start from 440,000 VND ($19).

The indicated price of 710,000 VND ($30.50) is an estimation of the costs including transport from và lớn the railway station and airport.

See here an example itinerary:

Ninh Binh Railway StationHanoi Railway Station2hr 15m90,000 VND ($3.90)
Hanoi Railway StationHanoi Airport1h40,000 VND ($1.80)
Hanoi AirportDa Nang Airport1.5h440,000 VND ($19)
Da Nang AirportHoi An center45m140,000 VND ($6)

Including transit time, this option can take over 6 hours. For this reason, we recommover staying the night before in Hanoi. Or take the night train from Ninh Binh to lớn Da Nang instead. In the kết thúc, the trains take almost the same time as flying when you exclude the night.

Chechồng Flights on Skyscanner


Ninh Binch to lớn Hoi An by Bus

Duration: 13.5 hours Cost: 395,000 VND ($17)

You can book a direct bus from Ninh Binh khổng lồ Hoi An online for as low as 395,000 VND ($17). Another option is to lớn book via a local agency in Tam Coc or Ninch Binh.

However, we bởi vì not recommkết thúc travelling by bus for this route since it is a long and exhausting journey. The train offers more comfort & is also much safer.

If you still want khổng lồ travel by bus, you can see their schedules below. Note that Hey Travel departs from Ninh Binc city center while The Long Travel departs from Tam Coc. They both arrive at Hoi An thành phố center.

Bus OperatorScheduleDurationCosts
Hey Travel20:00-09:3013h 30m395,000 VND ($17)
The Long Travel19:30-11:3016h555,000 VND ($24)

Cheông xã Available Bus Tickets


Our favourite places lớn stay in Hoi An

HaLo HomeStay

You think you can only find good banamãng cầu pancakes in Thailand? Wait till you get them for breakfast at HaLo HomeStay. This homestay has it all: The high-end standard of a khách sạn combined with the family feeling of a homestay. The owners serve a lovely breakfast và will vì everything to get most out of your stay. You can explore Hoi An with their không tính tiền bicycle rental & reach the Old Quarter or beach within 5 minutes.

Double rooms from: $11

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Flame Flowers Homestay

When Halo Homestay is already fully booked, there are still several other great options lớn stay in Hoi An. Flame Flowers Homestay is one of them. Expect a very warm welcome from the owners. They will feel like family from the moment you meet them.

Double rooms from: $25

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Vina Beach Pool Villas

Looking for a more luxurious experience right next lớn the beach? This little villa is within walking distance from the beach and is a perfect place to stay when you want khổng lồ escape from the busy city life. Chill at the beach, relax at the pool và have a great night of sleep in a comfy bed.

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Double rooms from: $40

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Things khổng lồ do in Hoi An

The online activity platform Klook offers many tours in Hoi An at great prices. I used it now for a couple of times and had great experiences. And the prices are often even lower than when you book with a local travel agent!

And most important, by booking the activity in advance, you avoid the problem of fully booked tours.