Nx design forum topics


The firewall may be blocking the port used by thinkbox. While traditionally thinkbox itself will by default listen using IPv6 on a random port, you can tell the vendor daemon khổng lồ use a custom port. This is done by editing the license file & may be necessary if the firewall or security protocols require a static port. This is covered in another section (See Ports).

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Vendor Daemon is not running¶

The vendor daemon application thinkbox isn’t running for one of many reasons.

The hostname may not be resolvable¶

If the client machine is using a host name instead of an IP address to lớn refer lớn the license server, it’s possible that the client machine trying to connect is unable resolve the IP address for that name.


Solution: to lớn verify that the firewall is in fact the cause, temporarily disable it if it is safe to bởi so. If disabling the firewall allows licenses khổng lồ be checked out, you will need khổng lồ allow thinkbox & likely lmgrd khổng lồ pass through. It should be possible on OS X and Windows khổng lồ either create program-based exceptions lớn the firewall allowing any ports from thinkbox, regardless of number, or mix a custom port for the vendor daemon. On Linux, you must use the port number.

If you need or want lớn set a specific port for the vendor daemon, as it will be randomly chosen on each restart otherwise, we have documentation to lớn walk you through this on our Setting License hệ thống Ports page. If you need to test your Firewall, refer to lớn our page on disabling or configuring your firewall for instructions on this.

Vendor Daemon is not running¶

Solution: In the menu of running programs for your operating system, ensure that you are viewing all processes for all users, verify that the thinkbox vendor daemon is running. If not, you will need to refer khổng lồ the license vps log tệp tin which should be named ‘Thinkbox.log’ in the root of the license hệ thống installation directory (see here for location.

If the problem is not immediately obvious, don’t hesitate to tương tác Thinkbox Support.

The hostname may not be resolvable¶

A simple thử nghiệm would be lớn try khổng lồ run the command ‘ping hostname‘ where hostname is the one you entered for the server name. If no answer returns, this is likely the problem. Khổng lồ close the command on Linux & OS X, hold the control (‘ctrl’) key, and press the ‘c’ key.

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Solution: If the ping command was unsuccessful and you know the IP address of the license server, you may use that on the client, in place of the host name. If you have a systems administrator, it would be best to lớn bring up this error with them.


Table Of Contents

Error: -97 The desired vendor daemon is down.Cause:Solution: Previous topic

Error: -96 System Error: 11004 “Comm. Error”

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Other Errors

