Đánh Giá The Surge: A Walk In The Park

Superhot Will Get a Standalone Expansion in 2018

The Mind Control Delete expansion will showroom roguelike elements to the game.

Bạn đang xem: Đánh giá the surge: a walk in the park

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If you’ve been enjoying The Surge but are looking khổng lồ try something new, you may be wondering how to lớn start the game’s new “A Walk in the Park” DLC. In the latest expansion, players will have the ability to explore an intricate theme park filled with new enemy types.

Unfortunately, players must first locate this theme park in the game before they can begin khổng lồ take down enemies & gather resources. To lớn help, we put together a quick guide on how lớn officially start The Surge’s latest DLC expansion, A Walk in the Park.

How lớn Start “A Walk in the Park” DLC in The Surge


Below, we"ll show you two different ways to lớn start the A Walk in the Park DLC in The Surge.

The first step when it comes lớn starting the A Walk in the Park DLC in The Surge is downloading and installing the A Walk in the Park DLC. Once the A Walk in the Park DLC is fully installed, launch the game & load up your inventory. In your inventory, you should now be able khổng lồ spot a CREO World Ticket. This is the thành tích needed to access the new theme park area in The Surge.

To use the train, simply interact with it và use your CREO World Ticket lớn gain access. During your ride, things will go awry forcing you to lớn exit the train. Upon exiting, you’ll officially find yourself in the first area of the A Walk in the Park DLC. Second, you can start the A Walk in the Park DLC by heading over khổng lồ Research & Development.


Both methods of starting the A Walk in the Park DLC in The Surge require you khổng lồ use your CREO World Ticket.

Here, you’ll find an entrance khổng lồ CREO World on the main exhibition floor (to the right of the door that leads into Central Production B). heckorea.comain, use your CREO World Ticket to gain access to the entrance, & you’ll then be transported over to CREO World. Once there, use an EXO-Light và make your way down a broken mix of stairs.

At the bottom, you’ll officially step into the main A Walk in the Park DLC area. Regardless of how you decide to lớn get khổng lồ CREO World, once you arrive, you’ll be able lớn start exploring the new A Walk in the Park DLC. For more information on The Surge’s latest DLC expansion, click here.

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So, did you have any trouble finding CREO World and starting the A Walk in the Park DLC in The Surge? share your A Walk in the Park journey with us down in the comments below, và be sure to check back for more guides on The Surge!

By reading through this guide, you should now know how to start the new A Walk in the Park DLC expansion in The Surge.