“The Nicest Place on the Internet” is a collaborative project of art directors, Lauren Perlow and Jeff Lam. Perlow shares on her website, “none of the usual methods seemed khổng lồ be working. Not music. Not food. Not office puppies. What we craved was something honest và good, unhappiness-offsetting, fail-proof và grin-inducing. So armed with a tripod, camera & a free weekend, we created The Nicest Place on the Internet.”

For something that has taken the web by storm, the concept is rather simple. Upon reaching the website, viewers are treated khổng lồ videos of well-meaning strangers from all over the world reaching out from behind the screen to mô tả a hug và a heartwarming smile all while set khổng lồ music that tells you, “you’re okay.” In response, viewers are encouraged to lớn pay it forward by recording their own hugs & uploading them for all the world lớn see.

Bạn đang xem: The nicest place on the internet is a website where strangers virtually give you a hug

Apart from the pretty music & affirmative gestures, the novelty and success of the website lies in the act of sharing an intimate moment in an otherwise very impersonal setting.

It is a well known fact that the widespread access and use of the internet is progressively changing the way we as a society interact with each other. It is often argued that our increasing reliance on mobile technologies has relegated much of our social lives lớn electronic interaction. In addition, the impersonality và anonymity afforded by the mạng internet has inadvertently incited cyber bullying và other forms of inflammatory behavior.

What The Nicest Place does is that it takes that same anonymity & impersonality and turns it into something positive. It’s this one little slice of the mạng internet that’s over-pouring with acceptance và affirmation. The project kindles a sense of community và belonging.

The Nicest Place on the internet is a powerful reminder of the importance of solidarity. The countless number of people who have freely sent their goodwill make manifest our unique human capacity khổng lồ identify with & feel for other people. It is that openness to give và receive that makes this a successful effort in showing our solidarity.

This kind of empathy and solidarity is only possible in a context where the intrinsic and inviolable dignity of a person is recognized. It is by acknowledging and accepting accountability for each other that we can foster lasting peace. The Nicest Place on the internet shows that with an unconditional exchange of love & kindness, this peace is indeed possible. Surely, if we can commit khổng lồ these principles in our daily lives, we will be closer to making this world a better place.

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Mike Pelobello is an intern at the World Youth Alliance Headquarters in New York.