How To Say "Thank You" & "You'Re Welcome" In Vietnamese

"Thank you" is one of the first few words that you will need to lớn know when learning Vietnamese.

Bạn đang xem: How to say "thank you" & "you're welcome" in vietnamese

Just lượt thích many other languages, there are formal & informal ways of saying "Thank you" in Vietnamese.

In this short lesson, we'll learn many ways to lớn express your gratitude lớn the Vietnamese people in your day-to-day conversations, just like a native speaker.


Informal "Thank you" in Vietnamese

Cám ơn is the standard way of saying thank you in Vietnamese, especially in Southern Vietnam.

In Northern Vietnam, you may hear cảm ơn instead, with a different accent mark, as thank you. Just know that there is no difference in terms of meaning.

The word cảm means "to feel", whereas the word ơn means "favor". Cảm ơn can literally be translated as "to feel the favor" someone has given you.

So don't forget to say cảm ơn to:

The border control person when he returns your passportThe xe taxi driver who drops you off at your hotelThe hotel staff who opens the door for you and helps you with the luggageThe waiter who brings you food và drinksThe street seller who hands you the food and the changes


Saying Hello in Vietnamese like a native speaker

Be more polite when saying "Thank you" in Vietnamese

Knowing the word cảm ơn is sufficient if you're a traveler. But if you're an expat or someone who wants to impress the locals by being extra respectful, you'll need khổng lồ go beyond the 2 words cảm ơn.

a. Including personal pronouns

The most common way lớn sound more polite is to add a personal pronoun after the word cảm ơn.

Personal pronouns, in this case, are just different words for "You", depending on that person's age (generation) and gender. For instance, you can say:

Cám ơn anh - to thank someone who seems old enough lớn be your older brother

Cám ơn chị - khổng lồ thank someone who seems old enough to be your older sister

Cám ơn em - lớn thank someone who seems young enough to lớn be your younger sibling

Cám ơn chú - to thank someone who seems old enough to lớn be your uncle

Cám ơn cô - to thank someone who seems old enough to be your aunt

b. Adding polite articles

The easiest way to lớn be more polite, of course, is to showroom "polite articles"!

Native speakers often use them when speaking lớn someone who is more seniors to show respect. You won't have khổng lồ use these articles with someone who seems younger than you.

What are these polite articles?

Dạ is often placed at the beginning of the response sentences. For example: Dạ cám ơn / Dạ cám ơn anh / Dạ cám ơn côẠ is often placed at the end of the response sentences. For example: Cám ơn anh ạ / Cám ơn cô ạ

Emphasize your gratitude in Vietnamese

To emphasize strong gratitude towards someone, you can place the word nhiều after the phrase cám ơn .

Nhiều is the equivalent of "a lot" or "much" in English.

Examples: Cám ơn anh nhiều / Cám ơn chú nhiều. Without the pronoun, this phrase would sound impolite.

To express gratitude even more sincerely, especially when you feel touched or very grateful for what the person has done, you can use the phrase nhiều lắm

Nhiều lắm literally means "so much" in English.

Examples: Cám ơn anh nhiều lắm! / Cám ơn chú các lắm!



Most natural ways khổng lồ say "How are you" in Vietnamese

Formal "Thank you" in Vietnamese

Xin cảm ơn is used to lớn say "Thank you" in a more formal situation. The word xin
can be translated to "to beg", "to ask for a favor".

You will most likely come across this phrase on TVs or in the interviews, which oftentimes requires more formality và politeness.

Responses lớn "Thank you" in Vietnamese

When you say "thank you" khổng lồ a person who is more senior than you, expect them khổng lồ just give you a gentle nod as a reply without saying anything.

But when it's your turn to respond to someone who is thanking you, what bởi vì you say?

Có gì đâu literally means "It's nothing".

When replying to lớn "Cám ơn" said by someone who is around your age, you can say có gì đâu. This phrase is very casual and mostly used with someone you know well.

You can also use có gì đâu to lớn respond lớn "I'm sorry" in Vietnamese, which is the same as saying "it's nothing to lớn worry about".

Không tất cả chi can be translated lớn "You're welcome".

When replying khổng lồ "Cám ơn" said by someone who is more senior than you or lớn someone you don't know that well, Không tất cả chi is fantastic to lớn respond lớn them in a polite way.

Don't forget the polite article when using this phrase ⇢ Dạ không có chi.

Xem thêm: Hướng Dẫn Cách Lấy Mật Khẩu Chuyển Tiền Viettel, Qua Tin Nhắn Nhanh Nhất

In case you want to lớn impress your Vietnamese partner, friends or neighbors, kiểm tra out my không tính phí mini-course to lớn learn 15 essential Vietnamese phrases for beginners, including how lớn say "hello", "thank you", "how are you", etc. In Vietnamese.