Tổng hợp kaomoji




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When you mouse over the "FICSMAS Bow" it says "decoratoins" instead of decorations in the text in the little pop up. Love the addition of more research in the M.A.M. and love the calender!
wait a second........ LIMITED TIME, IN AN (Offline)SINGLE PLAYER GAME?BRUH, no thx. It"s "limited time" meaning you just need to do everything before the FICS*MAS season ends.

Bạn đang xem: Tổng hợp kaomoji

When you mouse over the "FICSMAS Bow" it says "decoratoins" instead of decorations in the text in the little pop up. Love the addition of more research in the M.A.M. and love the calender! Oh no. Not another Quckwire.
Some mixed views here on whether this is a worthwhile update. I think it is good fun, however, I don"t want this game to turn into some kind of meme game with a new seasonal event every couple of months, at least not before full release, as the core mechanics, assets and content still need a lot of work. I would have quite happily seen them release the same number of "normal" assets and add them to the game rather than something temporary for a small boost in player numbers. The devs obv have a fantastic humour and creativity but we still want the amazing factory game at the end of it all, and I"m hopeful some interesting fun features will find their way into the game. And you are the reason why we have to have Coal instead of cOAL
Completely nonsense this christmas update. I hope I can shoot Rudolph in the wilderness. Those presents are annoying.
Macronic stop crying and just turn it off within the settings. Simple as that. Found the setting, I am happy now. I was worried for a second there. I had been looking forward to playing all day, the thought of escaping to my factory on an alien planet was getting me through.
Is the candy cane basher the same damage as the standard xeno basher? Yes, It"s just a reskin. Same damage, same animation, just different sounds, textures, and effects.

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