Whether you prefer wearing your mane short or long, browsing haircuts for men with round faces will help you find a cut that suits you. Read on khổng lồ see 30 trending cuts & learn which styles best suit your face.

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Why Haircuts for Round Face Men Matter

G-Stochồng Studio/Shutterstock

Tapered cuts aren’t as sharply contrasted as shorter fades, but they still reduce the volume on the sides of the head khổng lồ sllặng the face. Brush the top over for a clean-cut look.

Tips on Haircuts for Round Faced Men

Now that you’ve sầu seen a good sampling of haircuts for round faces men should go for, here are a few tips khổng lồ help you get the best haircut that suits your face shape.

Consider your hair type và texture. Browsing photos of haircuts for men with round faces is really helpful, but you also need lớn consider how your own hair will look in the cut you choose. If you have sầu highly textured hair (coily or curly), will it lay down the right way for the style you want?

Do you have sầu any cowlicks or thinning areas that will affect the result? Does your hair tend to lớn frizz, stichồng out, or lie flat to your head? Keep all of these things in mind when you’re looking for the haircut that will best suit you.

Avoid volume on the sides. Since the cheeks are typically the widest point of the face in round faces, you want to avoid any haircut or style with lots of volume or fullness on the sides. It will visually widen your face. Opt for close-cropped styles or fades to keep the sides short and help give your face a slimmer look.

Concentrate height up top. Guys with long hair và round faces can really benefit by playing up the volume on top. A little gel can help you style the hair on top up, up and baông chồng, or up và over khổng lồ the side for more height. If you have natural curls or waves, that’s even better. Focusing on adding height up top visually lengthens the face khổng lồ cut down on the roundness.

Avoid middle parts. While the classic 90’s look (middle part with curtain bangs) is coming baông xã into style, it’s not a great idea for guys with round faces. Middle parts create an illusion of more roundness. Opt for a side part if you don’t lượt thích to slichồng your hair back.

Tread carefully with long hair. Men with round faces can wear their hair long attractively, but you need khổng lồ be careful how you get it cut and style it. One wrong move sầu, & you’re looking more like Jack Black & less lượt thích Leonarvì chưng DiCaprio (both have round faces).

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Guys with curly hair should avoid wearing it long as curls add too much volume to lớn the sides. Stick with a long bob length, somewhere between the chin and shoulders, & don’t opt for too many layers around the ears & cheeks to lớn properly wear long hair with a round face.